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Benefits of Halal Food on Health & Wellbeing | Nutrition Supplements | Health Supplements

There are a lot of individuals who aren’t familiar with the concept of halal, so it’s natural for them to have questions regarding its function and how adopting a halal diet might improve their lives and overall welfare.  The concept of halal goes far further than simply assigning a name to a type of food; rather, it refers to long-standing religious practices practiced within the Muslim community, which intrinsically influence the Muslims’ general health.

Halal is a phrase used to designate food that is acceptable within Islam’s religious parameters and in the everyday living standards that Muslims adhere to.

Halal is typically solely linked with food outside of the Muslim religion; but, in this post, we embark on a voyage of investigation to determine reasons for why Halal cuisine, particularly meat and poultry, is good for everyone!

Benefits of Halal Food on Health & Wellbeing | Nutrition Supplements | Health Supplements

1. Protein Sources That Are Lower in Fat and Cholesterol Halal dietary requirements emphasize the consumption of lean meats like chicken, turkey, and specific kinds of cattle since these types of meat are lower in fat and cholesterol. These protein sources are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, functioning muscles, and general health.

2. Stay away from Foods With Harmful chemicals and Preservatives The Halal diet recommends staying away from foods that have harmful chemicals and preservatives. This strategy fits in with the current trend of looking for foods that have had the least amount of processing, hence lowering the consumption of potentially hazardous ingredients.

3. Optimal Freshness and Quality Because it is required that animals be in good condition and given humane treatment before they are slaughtered, the resulting meat and dairy products are of a better quality. These options, which are both fresh and healthy, lead to an improvement in overall health.

We are in the enviable position in Malaysia of having the protection of relatively high standards applied to the manufacturing and marketing of food items, and we are grateful for this.

On the other hand, research has shown that the number of occasions in which tainted food was discovered to be present is on the rise. In the agricultural and manufacturing industries, problems with food safety and sanitation that might have been avoided have typically led to this predicament. It has included elements that are upsetting and possibly hazardous, such as mad cow disease, swine flu, and most recently, the shocking horsemeat problem.

Over the past decade, there has been a rise in both knowledge and action about the food we eat and how we consume it. Celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver, who are supported by well-documented television series, serve as inspiration and motivation for home cooks everywhere. For instance, in “Food Unwrapped” by Jimmy Doherty, Kate Quilton, and Matt Tebbut, viewers are educated about the science that is behind the real composition of the food that they consume.

This informative and instructional media has, as a result, led to a new awareness on the part of the typical consumer regarding the need to be more cautious about what they allow their bodies and minds to ingest. Many customers in today’s market not only read the product descriptions that are printed on labels, but they also seek information on the origins of food products.

This may involve the feeding of the animals as well as the maintenance of their habitats. One recent illustration of this may be seen in the responses of customers in the wake of reports of the extreme cruelty that was uncovered in battery egg farms. Concerns have been raised about the divulgence of information indicating that animals have been sprayed or injected with dangerous pesticides, poisons, or artificial growth hormones.

Benefits of Halal Food on Health & Wellbeing | Nutrition Supplements | Health Supplements

The influences of Halal food

Although meat is the most widely mentioned product category, it is not the meat ingested or its kind that is susceptible to Halal impacts. If the demands of Halal food are followed, an animal must have enjoyed a healthy lifestyle from birth to the end of its life cycle in line with Islamic norms before being moved from the farm to a consumer and consumed. It has to have been handled decently and sacrificed with respect. Although this appears to be a perfect arrangement, the issue in the present day is, “What is the meaning behind it?”

To a layperson, the animal’s well-being may be transmitted to individuals who eventually devour it to prolong their own life! The type of care and the quality of its nourishment during its existence are crucial issues in Islamic law, as is the fact that a sacrificed animal should not have endured abuse, cruelty, or agony. It should not have been restricted to a place where it did not have the flexibility to move and walk properly, as well as get enough fresh air. Appropriate food and clean drinking water should have been accessible, and under no circumstances should its meal have included any other animal or byproducts of one.

An animal should be handled with respect when sacrificed for human food, with the killing procedure never taking place in the presence of other animals. Furthermore, the animal should be treated with dignity while being prepared for sacrifice. The actual sacrificial deed should be conducted using a sharp object to expedite the operation while causing the animal the least amount of pain.  Following the end of the sacrifice, the blood must be thoroughly drained from the animal, as it contains poisons, germs, and bacteria that, if left in the animal’s body, can cause illness in people who ingest it.

The unique and traditional procedure of preparing and then eating nutritious Halal beef is complemented by its texture, softness, and wonderful flavor. Many customers who try Halal for the first time comment on how they can “taste the difference.”

  • Never feed the animal other animals or by-products from other animals.
  • Toxins, germs, and bacteria in the blood are removed, and the blood is free of dangerous components, pesticides, and pollutants.
  • End-to-end traceability and animal origin

However, another Halal-related aspect is Haram (illegal). The most well-known haram consumables are alcohol and pork (and its by-products), both of which are linked to a slew of health problems, according to extensive study and scientific evidence!

Treating our bodies with healthful foods devoid of hazardous elements such as pesticides, poisons, pollution, dirt, and so on is a value shared by all people. It is a common need, a shared desire, and a common right, which implies that everyone may profit by eating halal foods and avoiding those that are not.

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